Day 38-

Seabreeze, more than just the park-

As Rochesterians we know and understand the historical significance of Seabreeze Amusement Park. It is the the 4th oldest amusement park in the United States which makes it pretty special, but do we understand the significance of the Seabreeze area itself? When we think of Seabreeze we usually think only of the park not the things that surround it. 

                                          Local Attractions - Parkside Diner & Miniature Golf

Throughout the years we have seen some changes in the Seabreeze area such as the expected bridge improvements, improvements to the waterfront, the parking area, Bill Gray's and improvements at Marge's and a few other's. But is it enough? Are we really paying tribute to the value of the area? Are we really paying tribute to the amusement park that really started it all for the Seabreeze area? Could we do better? I think we can. People can do better and that's all it will take.

I'm not talking about spending exorbitant amounts of money, I'm talking about creating that spark among the residents of Seabreeze that drives improvement. That spark that gives them the pride necessary for Seabreeze to be an even better place. Seabreeze could be so much, but right now it lacks luster and it so desperately needs finesse. 

Seabreeze is filled to the brim with some of the cutest cottage homes I have ever seen, but a lot of them are run down. What will it take for Seabreeze to be a better place, to have that WOW when people drive through bound for a day of fun at the park? It could be so much more.

                                               PARKSIDE DINER HISTORY - Parkside Diner & Miniature Golf

Imagine a Culver Road at Seabreeze just a little better than it is today. It already has good bones, it just needs a pretty dress and a good pair of shoes to make it a little bit fancier. It's flanked by gem's like The Parkside Diner and Parkside Whispering Pines miniature golf, The Union Tavern, Nick's Seabreeze Inn, Shamrock Jack's Irish Pub and let's not forget Don's Original just to name a few. If a few great shops were added it would make all the difference in the world. Places were people could linger and browse and purchase a few the things that would help them remember what a beautiful place Seabreeze is. A place for people to walk around and get some lunch a place with some gloss and shine, some meat and bones and someplace that looks loved. Perhaps even a B&B for people to stay and enjoy the great waterfront for a weekend? Not big improvements, just small ones will make Seabreeze a place for people to take pride in and to cherish. 

It all starts with the people. Surely it is something to think about.

Until tomorrow- Be Safe

“ If you always do what you've always done, you'll always be where you've always been.” 


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