Day 27- A Friday drive to Avon and Geneseo-

We took another great drive to day. This time we went south and landed in Avon and Geneseo to another favorite place of mine. If you drive down Route 39 (Avon-Geneseo Rd) to Hogmire Rd, Huston Rd, Roots Tavern Rd or Nations Rd you are in for a treat. Nations Rd is particularly pretty and today, even though a bit gloomy it was still like heaven. If you wait until dusk you can treat yourself to the majestic beauty of the short eared owl, the harrier, the screech owl or the many other grassland birds. Many of them, particularly the owls and harrier search at dusk for food. It is common to see one swoop down and grab an unsuspecting field mouse or vole for it's dinner. You may even spot people on horseback as well. This area is known for fox hunting so you may spot some hunters with hound dogs out for a stroll. The Genesee Valley Hunt Club is located on Roots Tavern Rd. Keep an eye out you may spot them out riding in full dress. This is always a beautiful sight and enjoyable to watch as well. 

                                                  Genesee Valley Hunt
There are plenty of beautiful barns, farms and older homes that deserve some attention. One of my favorites is on Roots Tavern Rd. See if you can spot it, there are only a few homes on the road.  If you take the long drive down Nation's road, the paved road becomes a dirt road,  and may be better suited for a a summer drive as it can be a bit muddy. Take your chances if you wish, you will not be sorry you did, the landscape is just gorgeous. The drive is nothing short of breathtaking especially on a clear day. Horse Farms abound and the scenery doesn't disappoint. It is also one of the best places to go if you enjoy bird watching. Farm after farm, along with abundant vegetation, beautiful barns and rolling green hills. Keep your eyes peeled because you will surely spot some additional species of wildlife along the way. 

                                           Tracking Effects Of Climate Change On Imperiled Short-eared Owl ...

Bird watchers and home owners in the area provide great communication regarding bird sightings. Many are bird watching club members that are very knowledgeable on birds found in the area and we find them to be extra friendly. You will see many photographers with equipment set up so you will need to keep an eye out as they often set up on the road or near the side of the road. Be sure to pay attention to fence posts, they are a favorite perch for our feathered friends.

So, if you are looking for a nice little drive I recommend this one. It never let's me down. Drive carefully and slowly as there are usually cars parked along the road, people pausing with binoculars or cameras to get a glimpse or take photos. 

Until Tomorrow-Be Safe and Happy Exploring!

“I don't feed the birds because they need me; I feed the birds because I need them.” “I think the most important quality in a birdwatcher is a willingness to stand quietly and see what comes.



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